My Blog
Does Chat GPT (Chaos GPT) Suffer from Mental Illness?
In this article, we will talk about whether artificial intelligence also suffers from mental illness and whether it is curable.
Generation AI Part 2 –Why AI is Not PC (Why Artificial Intelligence is Not Politically Correct)
In Part 1 I talked about how AI is a potential threat to journalism and democracy as it concentrates power and influence in the hands of a few techno-oligarchs. I also talked about how anyone born within the last five years will not know a world without artificial...
How Much Would It Cost to Solve Climate Change? And Who Would Pay for It?
We know we need to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy. But as of 2023, we still get about 78 % of our energy from fossil fuels, with coal making up the single biggest source of electricity at 36%. So how do we get from where are today to 100% renewable energy...
Generation AI Part 1- Why We Should be More Afraid of Techno-Oligarchs than a Rogue AI (for now)
Generation AI The Greatest Generation had the Great Depression and World War 2. The Baby Boomers had Woodstock. Generation X had the Internet. The Millennials had social media and smartphones. Every generation has its defining moment. For those born within the last...
6 Reasons to Be Hopeful About Climate Change Part 2
6 Reasons to Be Hopeful About Climate Change Part 2 In part 1 we looked at how AI, the resilience of nature, new laws, and changes by businesses and consumers are all leading to greater hope for solving the climate crisis. In part 2 we will look at the growth in...
6 Reasons to Be Hopeful About Climate Change-Part 1
Photo by Jan Budomo on Unsplash 6 Reasons to Be Hopeful About Climate Change Climate change is the biggest challenge facing humanity today, but it is not a hopeless one. Globally there are already a lot of solutions that are being implemented by governments,...
Why More People Don’t Care About Climate Change
When it comes to climate change a lot of us are hiding It is one of the biggest issues on the planet, but not many people want to discuss it. The problem I am referring to of course is climate change. When you do try to discuss it you are often met with vacuous...